Friday 1 August 2014

Red Hook Crit Barcelona 2 Registration is open - Thou shalt not commit a doping violation!!

Registration for Red Hook Crit Barcelona 2, and I'm glad to see some of my favourites already reporting they're on board - 130 places taken up within 20 minutes!

Some good news also arrived yesterday regarding their stance on doping...

"Attention all riders registering tomorrow for the Red Hook Criterium Barcelona No.2. You must agree to the following: 

I will not commit a doping violation as defined by the World Anti-Doping Agency (“WADA”) and am not currently serving a doping violation and/or do not have a past, pending or unresolved doping charge. I verify that any drugs I am taking or might consider taking are not on the “banned list” and further verify that I do not consume any substances or products which contain “banned substances”. This includes over the counter medications and prescription drugs.

I agree to submit to drug testing and understand that the use of methods or substances prohibited by the applicable anti-doping rules would make me subject to penalties including, but not limited to, disqualification and suspension from all future Trimble Racing events as well as forfeiture of all winnings and prior results.

To further clarify the below list outlines who is not welcome at Red Hook

1. Riders who are currently using or have previously used performance enhancing drugs

2. Riders who are currently serving suspensions for performance enhancing drugs

3. Riders who have previously served suspensions for performance enhancing drugs"

Followed by a photo of Riccardo Ricco, who is currently banned from all competition until 2024.

"This guy tried to race a few years ago. In addition at every rhc for the last few seasons there has been attempts to join the race by known offenders. It is now (sadly) time that we must address the issue publicly to make our position clear."

Get involved in the clean fight, if there is any space left you can register here

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